Monday, September 7, 2009


I love summer and summer concerts..even better!!! Incubus and Nickelback were amazing!!!!Blink 182 is tonight, DMB hopefully soon, and U2 in Vegas in October!!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Return to Myself

It's been so long, there is simply to much to catch up on. I'm not even going to try. I'm simply going to share where I am RIGHT NOW.

I have beatiful, thriving children. I have a new job that I am crazy excited about. I am getting a new, amazing apartment and....most importantly...I am in love and even better, I AM loved.

There seems to be a wave of surrealness washing over me. Love, peace, warmth, clarity, courage, radiance, power, beauty....RIGHT NOW in this moment, I have it all.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

in search of

I need something new, a hobby, a muse...something I can engage in and engulf myself in. I am so tired of writing about the divorce and how crappy it's been and is.
We "celebrated" my year anniversary of leaving 1 year ago by fighting for 3 straight days via text message...badass huh? YUCK.

I'm going to say the one thing you aren't supposed to say. First things first, I love my children and wouldn't trade or hurt them for the world. In my own thoughts, I wish I'd never ever met him, never married him, never gone anywhere near him AND most days I have thoughts that I wish he would somehow magically disappear for good.

enough what's next? Photography? Pilates? Philanthropy? I need something

Saturday, July 18, 2009

ouch....thank you

The universe has a weird way of shaking out your life for you, even when you don't know you want it to.

Tons of drama, a huge fight, hurt feelings, egos...there are bruises and scratches and at least one broken heart...and this was with my close friend/roommate! (a chick, don't worry).

It left me stunned, hurt, and alone. I had panic attacks, I cried for hours alone in my car...and I wasn't prepared for the one that would scoop me up, hold me together while I fell apart....he set his feelings aside and just took care of me.

I don't understand the why...but I am forever grateful for that moment in time..and those arms.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Emotional Terrorism

This week has been brutal. Alot of crap from my past 2 relationships has come to the surface and it has amazing timing-Mother Nature is visiting to. UGH!!!

It's left me an unstable, sappy, ratard!!! (yes thats RATARD, for those of you that havent seen The Hangover).

When it all comes down to it, both men, are the same men they were when I left. Situations may have changed, they may be full of the right words, but actions still speak louder. The ending of these to relationships, may pain me for a very long time. However, I will be OK.

There are pockets of sunshine in my life that fill me with love and happiness. Moments that take my breath away. Be it snuggling with my kids watching Spongebob, or nights filled with senseless laughter. Chit chats with my girlfriends or passionate encounters and fabulous kisses.

While the terrorists tug at my heartstrings, the universe surrounds me with love and rebuilds those strings stronger and more durable than ever.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Roommate movie review

My roommate and I have decided to spend a little quality time together every other Sunday afternoon ..lunch and a movie..and I thought it would be fun to review it..I missed one...The Propsal..which was a very cute chick flick...but this one...

THIS is the killer
My Sister's Keeper..I don't want to give anything away but if you need a good cry, this is your flick. I literally bawled my face off...tears, rolling down my face, the was sad and beautiful and really made you deal with some tough emotions! What a movie...I wouldn't tae a date..but I would recommend tissues..don't bother with drinks and snacks..we couldnt stop crying long enough to eat or drink!

What a 4th!

A fun party Friday night, breakfast with friends at our favorite spot, a pool party in SLC with some kick ass new friends, and the inkling of butterflies while meeting someone new.

It was pefect, unplanned, and simply put...AMAZING.

I am so relieved that the universe and I finally seem to be on the same page!